Lesson series



Part 1, Theory (200 credits)
Cautiousness is “taking the time to make sure the right decision is made or action is taken”.
Cautiousness comes from the Latin root caution meaning “wariness; heedfulness;
circumspection; caution.” Cautiousness is not hasty. A cautious person matches appropriate actions with appropriate timing. They avoid rash decisions and are alert for possible problems.
Practicing cautiousness can help reduce fear and build confidence. Cautious people think through their decisions. For example, a cautious person recognizes that it is good to swing a bat in a baseball game, but it is not a good idea when there are people standing next to you. A cautious person knows playing outside can be healthy, but might not be the best choice when it is icy and windy outside.
I Will:
1. Think before I act.
2. Consider my words when I speak.
3. Follow safety rules.
4. Ask permission
5. Look out for danger.
Discussion Starters:
 How many ways did you have to be cautious on your way to school this morning?
 What sort of decisions do you have to make each day that require you to be cautious?
 When was a time that you, or someone in your life, did the right thing at the right time?

Part 2, Self Evaluation + Peer Evaluation (800 credits)
for 8 times, 6 hours/time coaching on the first Saturdays of each month plus self + peer evaluation during the 8 months

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